Competition Law and Digital Transformation
- 06 Feb, 2023
- Agenda
- 200
Conference organised by Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Budapest, and UAJY Law/Faculty of Law, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University, Yogjakarta
The past years have seen an ongoing adaptation of competition policy tools to foster competition in the digital markets. Competition in the digital markets is crucial for consumers to access high-quality products and services for a fair price with an adequate possibility of choice. From the beginning of the last decade, increasing focus was placed on understanding the peculiarities and overcoming the challenges of online markets. Law enforcement agencies, with their accelerated activities towards Big Tech and professionals contributed to a better understanding of the markets that are shaped by the digital transformations of our societies. On both sides of the Atlantic and worldwide, competition policy still reflects the best possible approach to significant phenomena that influence competition assessment, such as the role of data, the rise of tech giants, privacy considerations in antitrust cases, the dynamic nature of markets, large platforms acting as gatekeepers, the interplay between competition law, consumer protection and data protection, as well as theoretical aspects of competition policy schools. Online market characteristics such as extreme return to scale, the network effects, multi-sided markets, and the role of data contribute to the non-contestable nature of certain markets that preserves the dominant position of big technological undertakings. In Europe and North America, competition policy and theory actively discern the most effective solutions for the complex issues raised by digital transformation. In some cases, new approaches are detected in the case law, and legislation also plays a significant role in adapting competition policy to the new reality. However, Europe uses legislation based on competition theory considerations on a much broader scale. Our conference invites speakers in connection with the above issues, especially, but not limited to, the following areas:
- competition theory considerations of digital transformation;
- merger control reform in digital markets;
- implementation issues of the Digital Markets Act (DMA);
- competition law as a tool of data protection;
- dominance in controlling digital ecosystems, gatekeeper position and platform regulation;
- intersection between competition law, consumer protection and data protection (privacy considerations);
- relevance of the 'too big to fail' argument at the digital markets;
- comparative case study analysis from USA, Europe, Asia, and worldwide on the digital markets;
- public policy as an administrative state's "apparatus" to rein in the competition of and between giants, including those in digital market;
- economical aspects of the dominance of technological giants.
Application for the conference (with title, maximum 300-word abstract and short bio of the presenter):
András Pünkösty, and
Henry Thomas Simarmata,;
deadline 1 March 2023.
Notification on acceptance till: 15 March 2023.
Selected papers will be invited to publish in an edited conference volume by Eleven Publishing
Important deadlines to Publication:
- submission of the full paper: 25 July 2023
- editor review: 26 July to 15 August 2023
- comments by author: 16 August to 10 September 2023
- linguistic review: 11 to 25 September 2023
- submission of the final version: 5 October 2023