Faculty of Law - Unversitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

International Undergraduate Program

To encourage academic internationalization that the university has launched to reach the level of a world-class university, the Faculty of Law started with several efforts. One of them is organizing the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). IUP is designed to prepare law graduates with global academic insights and experience in law, driven by a spirit of service in the light of truth and humanism. The program will begin in the September 2024 academic year.



The IUP program curriculum is designed to include internationalization aspects in the course content and learning process, as well as the obligation for students to participate in international exposure, such as student exchange, short courses, international internships, international conferences.

The curriculum design is as follows:
  1. Students must take 144 credits over 8 semesters and participate in the international exposure program as required.
  2. In the 6th semester, students choose one of the two concentrations offered by the faculty of law, namely:
    • Economic and Business Law
    • Law on International Relations.

International Exposures

To fulfill students' international experience, IUP offers several programs, such as:

Student Exchange

This program provides an opportunity for students to study for one semester at partner universities.

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Short Courses

Students can take part in short course programs usually for one or two weeks long, focusing on a particular subject.

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International Internship

IUP encourages students to undertake internships abroad and at international institutions , such as: NGOs and law firm partners.

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Entry Requirements

Both Indonesian and international students can join the IUP program at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. The entry requirements are as follows:

  1. Graduated from Indonesian high school or equivalent, or A-level qualification, IB qualification, or equal to Indonesian high school qualification.
  2. Have and submit a TOEFL certificate with a minimum score of 450 that is still valid.
  3. Pass the academic test determined by the University.
Admission Procedure

Get Information About International Undergraduate Program by Faculty of Law UAJY !

For more inquiries, please contact kaa.pendaftaran@uajy.ac.id.
Or phone +62 (274) 487711 extention 2131.

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The students will easily adapt with the university environment, which is modern and digital based:

Tuition Fees

International exposures programs fees (student exchanges, short courses, international internships) adjusted to policies and agreements with universities or institution partners.

Tuition fees

International Undergraduate Program

(Only pay once at the first time)
Registration - IDR 200.000
Basic tuition fee - IDR 23.500.000
Student activity fee - IDR 3.250.000
Courseware - IDR 3.000.000

(Will be charged every semester)
Annual tuition fee - IDR 5.250.000

(Fee will be dependent on the credit taken by student)
Credits - IDR 450.000

Campus Tour

Take a closer look at Faculty of Law Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


Universities, Academics, and Industries that have established academic cooperation with the Faculty of Law Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.

Faculty of Law - Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
UPT - Faculty of Law UAJY 2025